Mission Statement
So, what is ReviewHaven, anyway?
The easiest description is that it’s a video game review site built by someone who just loves games.
I don’t believe in using a numbered score system as I feel that they detract from what the review is really for – giving the user a description of what to expect within the title, and whether or not they might derive enjoyment out of said title.
A numbered score has a tendency to destroy that, as most people end up looking at the score and making a snap judgment on the game before even reading the review.
What good is that? How does that help the user in the end? What even is a 7.2/10? What makes it worse than a 7.5 or better than a 7.1? It often feels arbitrary.
Sure, a reviewer might have given Metal Gear Solid 4 a 10/10 or a 5/5 – but why did they give it that score? That’s what I try to get across in my reviews – the why of the rating. Why is the game worth your time or money?
Therefore, you won’t be seeing any numbered scores on any reviews around these parts.
That said, there are ratings – which you can read about here: Our Ratings
I hope you enjoy your time here, and I especially hope you enjoy reading our reviews!